welcome to RLA
Thank you for visiting our website.
We are a Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia Law Firm.
In addition to our local capability, we provide the right expertise by partnering and collaborate with appropriate legal experts.
Our experience includes advising and conducting litigation for clients in a number of industries, such as insurance, mining and resources, electricity, construction and property. We have been involved in many complex and complicated matters.
We have advised and assisted clients across the Northern Territory and advised clients from other jurisdictions. We have also assisted them with our deep and extensive knowledge of the political and business environment in Darwin and the Northern Territory.
Our lawyers at RLA can assist you in an advisory capacity assisting your management team deal with the many issues that arise in day to day business.
We thank our customers and clients for the interesting and challenging matters entrusted to us – ranging from dealing with commercial claims, disputes and litigation in the Courts, including through mediation and negotiation; advising on contractual matters; dealing with workers compensation claims; advising regarding employment issues; and advising in workplace health and safety regulatory matters.
Thank you for visiting and for showing interest in our firm. We wish you continued success in your business.